I’ve so been neglecting this blog of late. Some hideous form of inertia has kicked in. “Oh, I posted last week! I can just kick back for awhile.” Suddenly a week had turned to a month, then two —before I knew it, the tumbleweeds were blowing through. Insidious!
It ends here! (Not so) new year, new leaf. I’m cleaning out the virtual dust bunnies and vow to keep things a bit more up-to-date around here.
And, in honor of what was a pretty good Monday (as Mondays go), I give you two three delightfully happy songs from Tom Cullinan’s Kitty Kitty Corp. Tom, as you may know, was the ringleader of gleeful noise anarchists th’ Faith Healers.
Cullinan’s follow-up group, the tuneful but no less quirky Quickspace (née Quickspace Supersport), have been relatively quiet of late, but there’s no indication they’ve called it quits. Rumor even has it there’s a Quickspace album kicking around with Roxanne Stephen (Faith Healers, bringing it all full circle) on lead vocals.
Until that surfaces, though, how about some Novak (sorry for the static —this is straight from the vinyl) and early Quickspace (“Quickspace Happy Song #2,” natch)?
(And, ooh, I just unearthed a demo version of “Rapunzel” as well. Enjoy!)
Quickspace, “Quickspace Happy Song #2” (from Precious Falling)